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Friday, July 29, 2016

It's Friday! Time to Follow My Fingers

When researching family history or the places where one might have found their kin of the past, it is not unusual to just stumble on some finger-finds that reach out and grab attention.

So, today, I will share some blogs and sites that have recently caught my attention.  They are listed in no particular order.

Notes to Myself by True Lewis
By the way, super congrats on becoming a Daughter of the American Revolution!  Now, get out and volunteer to promote history, patriotism and education!  In case you can't tell, I too am a card carrying member of the NSDAR.

TDP Genealogy Blog by Terry D Prall
Terry and I do share DNA, so I find this an interesting read.  Terry also provides tips on his research which is helpful to anyone looking for roots.

Elizabeth Shown Mills
What can I say?  Her books have been invaluable to me over the years.  Thanks!

LowCountry Africana
Sponsored by the Magnolia Plantation Foundation
Sometimes, I just am enthralled at looking at the information this group is preserving on SC, GA and FL history.

My old glimpse into the past
I can't close without a shoutout for my family cemetery-  the old St Clair Cemetery in Mt Lebanon, Allegheny, PA

Ahh, genealogy.  My heart is overwhelmed at how much how many are willing to assist.  Happy Friday Follow reading time to you all!

©2016 ASEldredge

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