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Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Wordless Wednesday: The Examiner of the Past

Learning about the genealogy of the family and then learning what some of the old folks accomplished during their time has resulted in me learning much more about our country and its early politics.

We all studied the basics in school about bank failures, who was President and what their main accomplishments were, the wars, states rights and so much more we have forgotten.  For me, seeing the early history of our land in context with my family has me digging for more knowledge.

So, on this very cold Wednesday which is also the birth date of President Andrew JACKSON, allow me to sit and read how cousin Condy RAGUET connected with him in the politics of the past.

It gets quite wordy in The Examiner, and Journal of Political Economy; Devoted to the Advancement of the Cause of State Rights and Free Trade edited by RAGUET.  Some of the issues can be read online.  So enjoy!

President Andrew Jackson declares war against South Carolina in 1834

Ah, genealogy. States rights, bank failures and free trade disagreements.  Still in heated discussions after over two hundred years of American history.

©2017  AS Eldredge


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